• Battle Belongs

    Verse 1

    When all I see is the battle

    You see my victory

    When all I see is a mountain

    You see a mountain moved

    And as I walk through the shadow

    Your love surrounds me

    There's nothing to fear now

    For I am safe with You


    So when I fight I'll fight on my knees

    With my hands lifted high

    O God the battle belongs to You

    And every fear I lay at Your feet

    I'll sing through the night

    O God the battle belongs to You

    Verse 2

    And if You are for me

    Who can be against me

    For Jesus there's nothing

    Impossible for You

    When all I see are the ashes

    You see the beauty

    When all I see is a cross

    God You see the empty tomb


    (An) Almighty Fortress You go before us

    Nothing can stand against

    The power of our God

    You shine in the shadows

    You win every battle

    Nothing can stand against

    The power of our God

  • YES & AMEN

    Verse 1

    Father of kindness You have poured out grace

    You brought me out of darkness

    You have filled me with peace

    Giver of mercy You're my help in time of need

    Lord I can't help but sing

    Chorus 1

    Faithful You are

    Faithful forever You will be

    Faithful You are

    All Your promises are Yes and Amen

    All Your promises are Yes and Amen

    Verse 2

    Beautiful Savior You have brought me near

    You pulled me from the ashes

    You have broken ev'ry curse

    Blessed Redeemer You have set this captive free

    Lord I can't help but sinG


    I will rest in Your promises

    My confidence is Your faithfulness


    Chorus 2

    Faithful You are

    Faithful forever You will be

    Faithful You are yes You are

    All Your promises are Yes and Amen

  • God I Look To You


    God I look to You

    I won't be overwhelmed

    Give me vision to see things like You do

    God I look to You

    You're where my help comes from

    Give me wisdom You know just what to do


    Chorus 1

    I will love You Lord my strength

    I will love You Lord my shield

    I will love You Lord my rock

    Forever all my days I will love You God

    Chorus 2

    Hallelujah our God reigns

    Hallelujah our God reigns

    Hallelujah our God reigns

    Forever all my days hallelujah


    Verse 1

    Purify my heart

    Let me be as gold

    And precious silver

    Purify my heart

    Let me be as gold

    Pure gold


    Refiner's fire

    My heart's one desire

    Is to be holy

    Set apart for You Lord

    I choose to be holy

    Set apart for You my Master

    Ready to do Your will

    Verse 2

    Purify my heart

    Cleanse me from within

    And make me holy

    Purify my heart

    Cleanse me from my sin

    Deep within

  • We Fall Down


    We fall down

    We lay our crowns

    At the feet of Jesus

    The greatness of mercy and love

    At the feet of Jesus


    And we cry holy holy holy

    And we cry holy holy holy

    And we cry holy holy holy is the Lamb


    Verse 1

    There is a sound I love to hear

    It’s the sound of the Saviour’s robe

    As He walks into the room where people pray

    Where we hear praises He hears faith

    Verse 2

    There is a sound I love to hear

    It’s the sound of the Saviour’s robe

    As He walks into the room where people pray

    Where we hear worship He hears faith


    Awake my soul and sing

    Sing His praise aloud sing His praise aloud

    Oh awake my soul and sing

    Sing His praise aloud sing His praise aloud

    Verse 3

    There is a sound that changes things

    The sound of His people on their knees

    Oh wake up you slumbering

    It’s time to worship Him


    And when He moves and when we pray

    Where stood a wall now stands a way

    Where every promise is amen

    And when He moves make no mistake

    The bowels of hell begin to shake

    All hail the Lord all hail the King


    Hey oh

    Oh let the King of glory enter in

    Hey oh

    Fall down on your knees and worship Him

    Hey oh

    Let His praise rise up don't hold it in

  • Great Things

    Verse 1

    Come let us worship our King

    Come let us bow at His feet

    He has done great things

    See what our Savior has done

    See how His love overcomes

    He has done great things

    He has done great things


    O Hero of Heaven You conquered the grave

    You free every captive and break every chain

    O God You have done great things

    We dance in Your freedom awake and alive

    O Jesus our Savior Your name lifted high

    O God You have done great things

    Verse 2

    You’ve been faithful through every storm

    You’ll be faithful forevermore

    You have done great things

    And I know You will do it again

    For Your promise is yes and amen

    You will do great things

    God You do great things


    Hallelujah God above it all

    Hallelujah God unshakable

    Hallelujah You have done great things


    You’ve done great things


    Verse 1

    The head that once was crowned with thorns

    Is crowned with glory now

    The Savior knelt to wash our feet

    Now at his feet we bow

    Verse 2

    The one who wore our sin and shame

    Now robed in majesty

    The radiance of perfect love

    Now shines for all to see


    Your name, Your name

    Is victory

    All praise, Will rise

    To Christ our king

    Verse 3

    The fear that held us now gives way

    To him who is our peace

    His final breath upon the cross

    Is now alive in me


    By your spirit I will rise

    From the ashes of defeat

    The resurrected king

    Is resurrecting me

    In your name I come alive

    To declare your victory

    The resurrected king

    Is resurrecting me

    Verse 4

    The tomb where soldiers watched in vain

    Was borrowed for three days

    His body there would not remain

    Our God has robbed the grave

    Our God has robbed the grave


    Verse 1

    Worthy of ev'ry song we could ever sing

    Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring

    Worthy of ev'ry breath we could ever breathe

    We live for You

    Verse 2

    Jesus the name above ev'ry other name

    Jesus the only one who could ever save

    Worthy of ev'ry breath we could ever breathe

    We live for You

    We live for You


    Holy there is no one like You

    There is none beside You

    Open up my eyes in wonder and show me who You are

    And fill me with Your heart

    And lead me in Your love to those around me


    I will build my life upon Your love

    It is a firm foundation

    I will put my trust in You alone

    And I will not be shaken



    Peace that passes my understanding

    Love that conquers my fear and regret

    Joy unending eternal pleasure

    In Your presence my Risen King


    I will seek first Your Kingdom

    I will seek first Your righteousness

    Everything I need You will provide for me

    My heart is to seek first Your Kingdom


    You're all I really want

    You're all I really need

    Father every breath I've got

    You have given it to me


    Verse 1

    O Lord my God

    When I in awesome wonder

    Consider all the worlds

    Thy hands have made

    I see the stars

    I hear the rolling thunder

    Thy pow'r thru'out

    The universe displayed


    Then sings my soul

    My Savior God to Thee

    How great Thou art

    How great Thou art

    Then sings my soul

    My Savior God to Thee

    How great Thou art

    How great Thou art

    Verse 2

    When through the woods

    And forest glades I wander

    And hear the birds

    Sing sweetly in the trees

    When I look down

    From lofty mountain grandeur

    And hear the brook

    And feel the gentle breeze

    Verse 3

    And when I think

    That God His Son not sparing

    Sent Him to die

    I scarce can take it in

    That on the cross

    My burden gladly bearing

    He bled and died

    To take away my sin


    Verse 1

    There is a song I know it well

    A melody that's never failed

    On mountains high in valleys low

    My soul will rest

    My confidence in You alone


    Hope has a name His name is Jesus

    My Savior's cross has set this sinner free

    Hope has a name His name is Jesus

    Oh Christ be praised I have victory

    Verse 2

    There is a light salvation's flame

    Christ undefeated trampled the grave

    See now the cross be lifted high

    The light has come the light has won

    Behold the Christ

    Verse 3

    There'll be a day my hope complete

    Now home in glory Your face I'll see

    My pain no more my fear will cease

    I bow my life I fix my eyes

    On Christ my king

    I bow my life I fix my eyes

    On Christ my king



    You give life You are love

    You bring light to the darkness

    You give hope You restore ev'ry heart that is broken

    And great are You Lord


    It's Your breath in our lungs

    So we pour out our praise

    We pour out our praise

    It's Your breath in our lungs

    So we pour out our praise to You only


    And all the earth will shout Your praise

    Our hearts will cry these bones will sing

    Great are You Lord


    Verse 1

    Lord I come I confess

    Bowing here I find my rest

    And without You I fall apart

    You're the one that guides my heart

    Chorus 1

    Lord I need You oh I need You

    Ev'ry hour I need You

    My one defense my righteousness

    Oh God how I need You

    Verse 2

    Where sin runs deep Your grace is more

    Where grace is found is where You are

    And where You are Lord I am free

    Holiness is Christ in me

    Where You are Lord I am free

    Holiness is Christ in me


    So teach my song to rise to You

    When temptation comes my way

    And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You

    Jesus You're my hope and stay

    And when I cannot stand I'll fall on You

    Jesus You're my hope and stay


    Verse 1

    When peace like a river attendeth my way

    When sorrow like sea billows roll

    Whatever my lot You have taught me to say

    It is well it is well with my soul

    Verse 2

    But Lord it's for Thee for Thy coming we wait

    The sky not the grave is our goal

    Oh trump of the angel oh voice of the Lord

    Blessed hope blessed rest of my soul


    It is well with my soul

    It is well it is well with my soul


    You are the Rock on which I stand

    By Your grace it is well

    My hope is sure in Christ my Saviour

    It is well with my soul


    Verse 1

    Remind me, Lord, lest I forget

    Who You are and who You have been

    A mighty God, perfect in peace

    My Champion, all that I need


    I will wait for You, I will wait for You

    Holy Spirit come renew all of my strength

    Holy Spirit come renew all of my strength

    Verse 2

    Who can hold the wind in His hands

    The shorelines drawn to where He has planned

    Jesus Christ the name above all

    Will hear my cry whenever I call


    I will choose life even in darkness

    Your truth lights a beautiful spark

    In this heart and soul, be still and know

    That my fear's gone here in Your presence

    A new song rises to heaven

    This heart and soul will be still and know

    That You are good, oh-oh-oh

    You are good, oh-oh-oh

    You are good to me, oh-ohh, oh-ohh

  • This is amazing grace

    Verse 1

    Who breaks the power of sin and darkness

    Whose love is mighty and so much stronger

    The King of Glory the King above all kings

    Verse 2

    Who shakes the whole earth with holy thunder

    And leaves us breathless in awe and wonder

    The King of Glory the King above all kings


    (Yeah) (Oh) This is amazing grace

    This is unfailing love

    That You would take my place

    That You would bear my cross

    You laid down Your life

    That I would be set free

    Oh Jesus I sing for all that You've done for me

    Verse 3

    Who brings our chaos back into order

    Who makes the orphan a son and daughter

    The King of Glory the King of Glory

    Verse 4

    Who rules the nations with truth and justice

    Shines like the sun in all of its brilliance

    The King of Glory the King above all kings


    Worthy is the Lamb who was slain

    Worthy is the King who conquered the grave

    Worthy is the Lamb who was slain

    Worthy is the King who conquered the grave

    Worthy is the Lamb who was slain

    Worthy is the King who conquered the grave

    Worthy is the Lamb who was slain

    Worthy worthy worthy

  • who you say i am

    Verse 1

    Who am I that the highest King

    Would welcome me

    I was lost but He brought me in

    Oh His love for me

    Oh His love for me

    Chorus 1

    Who the Son sets free

    Oh is free indeed

    I'm a child of God

    Yes I am

    Verse 2

    Free at last

    He has ransomed me

    His grace runs deep

    While I was a slave to sin

    Jesus died for me

    Yes He died for me

    Chorus 2

    In my Father's house

    There's a place for me

    I'm a child of God

    Yes I am


    I am chosen not forsaken

    I am who You say I am

    You are for me not against me

    I am who You say I am


    Verse 1

    I need You to soften my heart

    And break me apart

    I need You to open my eyes

    To see that You're shaping my life


    All I am

    I surrender


    Give me faith to trust what You say

    That You're good and Your love is great

    I'm broken inside I give You my life

    Verse 2

    I need You to soften my heart

    And break me apart

    I need You to pierce through the dark

    And cleanse every part of me


    'Cause I may be weak

    But Your Spirit's strong in me

    My flesh may fail

    My God You never will



    Verse 1

    What can wash away my sin

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus

    What can make me whole again

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus


    O precious is the flow

    That makes me white as snow

    No other fount I know

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus

    Verse 2

    For my pardon this I see

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus

    For my cleansing this my plea

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus

    Verse 3

    Nothing can for sin atone

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus

    Naught of good that I have done

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus

    Verse 4

    This is all my hope and peace

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus

    This is all my righteousness

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus



    We bow our hearts we bend our knees

    Oh Spirit come make us humble

    We turn our eyes from evil things

    Oh Lord we cast down our idols


    Give us clean hands give us pure hearts

    Let us not lift our souls to another

    Give us clean hands give us pure hearts

    Let us not lift our souls to another

    And oh God let us be a generation that seeks

    That seeks Your face oh God of Jacob

    And oh God let us be a generation that seeks

    That seeks Your face oh God of Jacob

  • Still

    Verse 1

    Hide me now

    Under Your wings

    Cover me

    Within Your mighty hand


    When the oceans rise

    And thunders roar

    I will soar with You

    Above the storm

    Father You are King

    Over the flood

    I will be still and know

    You are God

    Verse 2

    Find rest my soul

    In Christ alone

    Know His power

    In quietness and trust



    Draw me close to You never let me go

    I lay it all down again

    To hear You say that I'm Your friend

    You are my desire no one else will do

    'Cause nothing else could take Your place

    To feel the warmth of Your embrace

    Help me find the way bring me back to You


    You're all I want

    You're all I've ever needed

    You're all I want

    Help me know You are near

  • Yahweh

    Verse 1

    Spirit of Jesus

    Living within us

    Never to fail or forsake

    Unending promise

    Heaven inside us

    Whispers the sound of your name

    Chorus 1

    Holy holy is the Lord

    Worthy to be praised


    Verse 2

    Filled with your wonder

    Here I surrender

    Held in your mystery of grace

    Calling me closer

    Waking desire

    Coming alive in your name

    Chorus 2

    Holy holy is the Lord

    Worthy to be praised


    Fire rising in my soul

    All consuming flame



    He who was and is to come

    Is the one who lives in us

    The Great I Am


  • God is so good (You Are Worthy)

    Verse 1

    No height or depth can separate

    Your steadfast love who can escape

    Your faithfulness an endless sea

    So full of grace and mercy

    Chorus 1

    We sing God is so good

    God is so good

    God is so good

    He's so good to me

    Verse 2

    Haunted by the past no more

    My innocence has been restored

    Forgiveness flows from Your veins

    Your kindness shown in all Your ways


    (Oh there's) never been anyone like You

    Never been anyone like You

    You are worthy You are worthy

    Verse 3

    Hope is rising like the sun

    The old is gone the new has come

    I fix my eyes on Christ alone

    My Rock my Shield my Cornerstone

    Chorus 2

    God You are good

    God You are good

    God You're so good

    You're so good to me


    God is so good

    He's so good to me

    God You're so good

    You're so good to me


    Verse 1

    You are here moving in our midst

    I worship You I worship You

    You are here working in this place

    I worship You I worship You


    (You are) Way Maker Miracle Worker Promise Keeper

    Light in the darkness my God that is who You are

    Verse 2

    You are here touching ev'ry heart

    I worship You I worship You

    You are here healing ev'ry heart

    I worship You I worship You

    Verse 3

    You are here turning lives around

    I worship You I worship You

    You are here mending ev'ry heart

    I worship You yeah I worship You Lord


    That is who You are

    That is who You are

    That is who You are

    That is who You are


    Even when I don't see it You're working

    Even when I don't feel it You're working

    You never stop You never stop working

    You never stop You never stop working


    Verse 1

    Oh You've come to bring peace to be Love

    To be nearer to us

    You've come to bring life to be Light

    To shine brighter in us

    Oh Emmanuel God with us


    Our Deliverer You are Savior

    In Your presence we find our strength

    Over ev'rything our Redemption

    God with us

    You are God with us

    Verse 2

    Oh You've come to be Hope to this world

    For Your honor and name

    And You've come to take sin to bear shame

    And to conquer the grave

    Oh Emmanuel God with us


    You are here

    You are holy

    We are standing in Your glory (Lord)


    Oh God with us

    You are God with us

  • Goodness Of God

    Verse 1

    I love You Lord

    Oh Your mercy never fails me

    All my days

    I've been held in Your hands

    From the moment that I wake up

    Until I lay my head

    I will sing of the goodness of God


    All my life You have been faithful

    All my life You have been so so good

    With every breath that I am able

    I will sing of the goodness of God

    Verse 2

    I love Your voice

    You have led me through the fire

    In darkest night

    You are close like no other

    I've known You as a father

    I've known You as a friend

    I have lived in the goodness of God


    Your goodness is running after

    It’s running after me

    Your goodness is running after

    It’s running after me

    With my life laid down

    I’m surrendered now

    I give You everything

    Your goodness is running after

    It's running after me

  • Hosanna Praise Is Rising

    Praise is rising, eyes are turning to You, we turn to You

    Hope is stirring, hearts are yearning for You, we long for You

    'Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day

    In Your Presence all our fears are washed away, washed away

    Hosanna, hosanna

    You are the God Who saves us, worthy of all our praises

    Hosanna, hosanna

    Come have Your way among us

    We welcome You here, Lord Jesus

    Hear the sound of hearts returning to You, we turn to You

    In Your Kingdom broken lives are made new, You make us new

    'Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day

    In Your Presence all our fears are washed away, washed away

    Hosanna, hosanna

    You are the God Who saves us, worthy of all our praises

    Hosanna, hosanna

    Come have Your way among us

    We welcome You here, Lord Jesus

    'Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day

    In Your Presence all our fears are washed away

    'Cause when we see You, we find strength to face the day

    In Your Presence all our fears are washed away, washed awa

  • Yet Not I but through christ in me

    What gift of grace is Jesus my redeemer

    There is no more for heaven now to give

    He is my joy, my righteousness, and freedom

    My steadfast love, my deep and boundless peace

    To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus

    For my life is wholly bound to His

    Oh how strange and divine, I can sing, "All is mine"

    Yet not I, but through Christ in me

    The night is dark but I am not forsaken

    For by my side, the Saviour He will stay

    I labour on in weakness and rejoicing

    For in my need, His power is displayed

    To this I hold, my Shepherd will defend me

    Through the deepest valley He will lead

    Oh the night has been won, and I shall overcome

    Yet not I, but through Christ in me

    No fate I dread, I know I am forgiven

    The future sure, the price it has been paid

    For Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon

    And He was raised to overthrow the grave

    To this I hold, my sin has been defeated

    Jesus now and ever is my plea

    Oh the chains are released, I can sing, "I am free"

    Yet not I, but through Christ in me

    With every breath I long to follow Jesus

    For He has said that He will bring me home

    And day by day I know He will renew me

    Until I stand with joy before the throne

    To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus

    All the glory evermore to Him

    When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat

    Yet not I, but through Christ in me

  • worthy is the lamb

    Thank you for the cross, Lord

    Thank you for the price You paid

    Bearing all my sin and shame

    In love You came

    And gave amazing grace

    Thank you for this love, Lord

    Thank you for the nail pierced hands

    Washed me in Your cleansing flow

    Now all I know

    Your forgiveness and embrace

    Worthy is the Lamb

    Seated on the throne

    Crown You now with many crowns

    You reign victorious

    High and lifted up / Jesus Son of God

    The Darling of Heaven crucified

    Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb

    Thank you for the cross, Lord

    Thank you for the price You paid

    Bearing all my sin and shame

    In love You came

    And gave amazing grace

    Thank you for this love, Lord

    Thank you for the nail pierced hands

    Washed me in Your cleansing flow

    Now all I know

    Your forgiveness and embrace